Tom Junior started working on the "Ecometer" in 1915, as a carburetor
attachment to improve gas mileage. In January of that year Tom wrote to Henry Ford
saying that "I am striving hard to perfect a 'device' which I hope might
prove of mutual benefit to us both. Therefore at all times I have your interest at
heart. .. I am truly handicapped for material, I have absolutely nothing to work
with." He went on to beg Ford for "small copper and brass tubing
- connections - fittings - valves and etc - also ignition coils - scrap brass would
indeed prove a valuable asset." Somehow or other, by 1921 he had actually
produced the device, and sent a sample to Henry Ford for evaluation. Extensive tests
were carried out in May, with poor results. Tom was defensive. "It appears
to be quite out of the question to get anyone to test out the device according to
instructions. I have tried very hard to make these instructions very plain -- but
either they do not know the principle envolved [sic] or it is simple neglect. ...
if the test was conducted and instructions followed out very closely I feel very
confident that very different result would have been shown."
did not restrict his automotive ambitions to improved gas mileage; according to an
article in the NY Times, "Every automobile will be carrying its own still
by 1935, according to Thomas A. Edison Jr. These stills ... [will be] for the purpose
of distilling the new substitute for gasoline that Mr. Edison the younger ir rather
confident he will discover within the next ten or fifteen years."